
Anonymous Journael van de Nassausche Vloot, ofte Beschrijvingh van de Voyagie om den gantschen Aerd-Kloot, Gedaen met elf Schepen: Onder 't Beleydt van den Admirael Jaques 'L Heremite, Ende Vice-Admirael Gheen Huygen Schapenham, In de Jaren 1623, 1624, 1625 en 1626
Anonymous Missionary Records. Sandwich Islands.
Anonymous Observations on the River Potomack, the Country adjacent, and the City of Washington.
Anonymous The Voyages, Dangerous Adventures And imminent Escapes of Captain Richard Falconer: containing the Laws, Customs, and Manners of the Indians in America; his Shipwrecks; his Marrying an Indian Wife; his narrow Escape from the Island of Dominico, &c. Intermix'd with The Voyages and Adventures of THOMAS RANDAL, of Cork, pilot; with his Shipwreck in the Baltick, being the only Man that escap'd: His being taken by the Indians of Virginia, &c: Written by Himself, now alive.
Budan, Armand La Guadeloupe pittoresque
Bushnell, David I., Jr. Native Cemeteries and Forms of Burial East of the Mississippi.
Carter, Samuel III Cherokee Sunset A Nation Betrayed
Catlin, George Letters and Notes on the Manners, customs and Conditions of the North American Indians, Written During Eight Year's Travel Amongst the Wildest Tribes of Indians in North America, 1832-39
De Grazia De Grazia Paints the Apache Indians and Myths of the Chiricahua Apaches
Dupree, J. New York
Duvergier de Hauranne, Ernest Huit mois en Amérique. Lettres et notes de voyage 1864-1865.
Engelmann Vue de New-York - Vues de L'Amerique du Nord (1r au 10e lé)
Hickerson & oth. Ethnohistorical Reports of the Sioux
Hrdlicka, A. Physiological and medical observations among the indians of southwestern United States and Northern Mexico.
Hunter, John D. Manners and Customs of Several Indian Tribes Located West of the Mississippi
Jean DeGryalva De rampspoedige Scheeps-togt van Franciscus Hernandez de Cordua ter nieuwe Ontdekking na Jukatan ondernomen door Jean De Gryalva ...
Josephy, Jr., Alvin M. 500 Nations. An illustrated history of North American Indians
Knapp, Samuel L. The picturesque beauties of the Hudson River and its vicinity: illustrated in a series of views, from original drawings, taken expressly for this work, and engraved on steel, By Distinguished Artists.
Macneish, Richard S. Iroquois pottery types. A technique for the study of Iroquois prehistory.
Peltier, Louis Voyage de Louis Peltier par terre et par mer. Comprenant le récit de son voyage à la pèche à la baleine et de ses excursions en Afrique.
Prins, Jeurian Journael ofte Dag-Register van de Reyse die gedaen is door 's Landts Vloot, onder den Manhaften Heer Admirael Michiel A. de Ruyter, Bevattende Al 't gunt is voorgevallen in de Middellandtse Zee / Cabo Verde / de kust van Guinea / Caribise Eylanden en Terra Nova, tot hare weder=komst in 't Vaderlandt.
Rideing, William H. and Woodward, J.D. (illustrator) Scenery of the Pacific Railways and Colorado
Rietstap, J.B. De Wereldbol. De jongste zee- en landreizen aan Neêrlands volk verhaald.
Sauer, Martin Voyage fait par ordre de l'impératrice de Russie Catherine II, dans le Nord de la Russie Asiatique, dans la Mer Glaciale, dans la Mer d'Anadyr, et sur les côtes de l'Amérique, depuis 1785 jusqu'en 1794, par le Commodore Billings.
Scoles, Ignatius Sketches of African and Indian Life in British Guiana
Smet, Pierre Jean de Missions de l'Oregon et voyages aux Montagnes-Rocheuses aux sources de la Colombie, de l'Athabasca et du Sascatshawin, en 1845-46.
Smith, DeCost Martyrs of the Oblong and Little Nine
Stobwasser, L. Ansichten von Missions-Niederlassungen der evangelischen Brüder-Gemeinde. Vues des Etablissemens missionaires fondés par la Communauté évangélique des Frères-Unis.
Wood, Stanley Llewellyn Six Aquarelles from the Rockies.